Every Stitch, A Prayer For Your Life image
Most of our troubles are related to childhood wounds, whether feeling emotionally abandoned or rejected or even abused. Supports that we would require to heal those wounds were usually unavailable in our youth. Without that support when young, we internalize the trauma as we become adults. We develop a belief that we should carry others pain or that we don’t deserve good things in life, and unconsciously, we repeat the trauma. It could be repeating challenging relationships at home or work, or fearing judgement or abandonment, or other fears that keep us from fulfilling our life’s potential and enjoying life’s gifts.
This is a workshop to help you give your inner child the support she didn’t have, one stitch at a time. It is an opportunity to really meditate on creating all the love and good wishes, compassion, that she didn’t have, stitch by stitch. This can be emotional and very healing.
With guided imagery, we will identify and meditate on what energy to pass to your inner child in the sewing process. We will create some beautiful healing prayers and energy together, supporting each other as we support our inner children. We will also address family and ancestral healing as well, knowing that suffering is usually passed down generationally.
Supplies of material, thread, stuffing, and needles for these rag-type dolls will be provided. However, if you have special material you wish to use from perhaps an old cloth or pattern from your childhood or simply a material you love, please bring that with you. Also bring with you any special beads, stones, shells, crystals, potpourri, feathers, and anything else with which you may wish to bless your inner child.
This will take place at the Golden Drum, Brooklyn, NY around March of 2020. You can check goldendrum.org and get on their email list so that you will be informed when it does get scheduled. You may also request to be on Debra’s email list as well.