Debra Franklin, LCSW
Debra Franklin, LCSW, developed the Heart Path Therapy® approach and offers training in Heart Path Therapy® to therapists, coaches, and other practitioners dedicated to helping others transform their lives positively. She is licensed to offer psychotherapy in NY and Connecticut and provides coaching services internationally. She specializes in virtual therapy and coaching for individuals, couples, families, and workshops and groups. Debra has 34 years of psychotherapeutic experience with adults, families, children, groups, and couples since receiving her MSW from Smith College. She has created a growing, spiritually oriented online community with no borders who are dedicated to living life toward full potential and serving, through her Heart Path Therapy® groups. Her work and personal and spiritual development is inspired by the guidance of her spiritual teacher, Maestro Manuel Rufino who created the Golden Drum community.
Credentials & Education:
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, MSW, Smith College School for Social Work
Post Graduate Certificate in Child Treatment, Boston University
Certificate in Totem Pole Imagery Process, Institute for Visualization Research
Certificate of Training in Family Constellations
Training in PSYCH-K®
Training in Metaphoric Resonance by Hugh and Vogue Smith
Training in Henry Grayson’s Energy Psychology
Training in Family Constellations by Bert Hellinger
Former Columnist for Holistic Health Publications
Past President of the Connecticut Holistic Health Association
Melissa Shute, LPC, BCH
Melissa Shute, LPC, BCH is a mental health counselor and resident NGH board certified hypnotist at Progressive Psychotherapy. Melissa earned her master’s degree in clinical and counseling psychology. She is certified in Advanced Hypnotherapy, Five-Phase Advanced Transformations Hypnosis (5-PATH), as a Self-Hypnosis Instructor, Stress Reduction Facilitator, Complete Cellular Mind and Body Alignment (CCMBA), Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and Laughter Yoga.
Melissa uses techniques such as Heart Path Therapy®, Positive Psychology, Inner Child Work, and client specific guided meditations. Melissa is also a motivational speaker within the community. Using a combination of her background and skills, Melissa has a wide variety of options to meet her client’s needs.
Meg “ Ama” Sullivan , Inspirational Youth Coach
Meg “Ama” Sullivan is a Certified Recover Peer Advocate, comedian, singer, healer, speaker, and coach on a mission to empower and inspire all beings to fully embody their gifts and live the life of their dreams! Meg has been studying and practicing the most effective methods for healing mental illness and trauma for over 15 years, working in group homes, homeless shelters, and psychiatric hospitals with children and adolescents. She is also a student of the Sacred Traditions of Humanity who has studied with spiritual elder teachers from all over the world and is the current student of Maestro Manuel Rufino, a Taino Elder. After a lifetime spent in recovery, Meg ultimately found the healing she needed in community, nature, meditation and the Wisdom Traditions of Humanity. Through years of study, practice, and community support, Ama ultimately came to understand all of her past experiences as gifts that taught her how to heal herself and guide others on their path toward healing. All of her work is guided by this direct experience and over ten years experience helping youth recover themselves from trauma. Meg shares her message of hope, healing, inspiration and self-empowerment with the world by leading magical performances, inspirational talks, and healing circles all over the world. You can read more about her work here: