
Featured and ongoing workshops, groups and retreats


Family Constellations
9:30 AM09:30

Family Constellations

FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS: HELPING WOUNDS FROM ANCESTRY HEAL. This powerful, engaging approach addresses where current emotional issues can stem from ancestral trauma. Using representatives in the group often to represent members of a person's family of origin, it becomes a powerful process of healing familial relationships that in turn heal personal emotional wounds. Please inform if you are interested in order to send you the zoom link and payment details.

Cost: $85.00

Number of attendees is limited but your space will be held once payment is received,

. There will be a lunch break during this event.

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to Jun 1


Are you feeling stuck in your process to create the life you love?

Overcome the obstacles caused by childhood trauma or other difficulties to create the life of your dreams

******FIRST SESSION IS FREE ON WEDNESDAY, April 20, 2022 PM (to see if this group is good for you)******

Experience the following:

Ancient spiritual practices that empower your healing

Empower Your Chakras (energy centers in the body)-1 per session

Empower your intuition and spiritual/higher power guidance

Guided imagery with sound healing healing

Ancestral healing and Inner childwork

Sharing of your experience for community support

8, 3 hour sessions, every Wednesday evening, 6:00-9:00PM utilizing the powerful Heart Path Therapy® approach. This very special series, is at any extra low price in exchange for agreeing to fill out a short form before and after each session to monitor your progress and agree to allow your progress to be published later without any identifying information (would be confidential).

Begins with a free introductory session on April 20, 2022 followed by 6 consecutive Wednesday evenings.

The intention is that you will have a wonderful profound transformational experience, overcoming obstacles to at least begin to engage your gifts and a heartfelt purposeful life! You will learn spiritual and other practices and engage in a meditative process and supportive discussion.

This series is a research study. If you decide to continue after the initial session, you will be asked to fill out short evaluative forms which will be used to publish progress, but your name will not be published and your personal expression will remain confidential.

Insurance and sliding scale fees for the non insured accepted. Please contact Debra Franklin for more information.

Dates for event: Every Wednesday, 6:00-9:00PM.

Please email or contact her at 888-406-0770 if interested.

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to May 10


This group is an opportunity for adolescents to come together to explore their creative potential and overcome personal challenges including the isolation from COVID, as well as to receive mutual support. It will be facilitated by Debra Franklin, LCSW.
We will explore

      Personal,  relational, and emotional challenges you wish to overcome

Your dreams and wishes to create a meaningful and purposeful life

You will learn

creative uses of meditation, guided imagery, dreams, energy psychology, and ancient tools from sacred traditions, to empower your creativity and engage your love for life.


*Overcome obstacles toward enjoying and appreciating life whether emotional or related to a need for more or better relationships with peers or family.

*Discover and embrace your gifts that love and serve yourself, your friends, family, and community.

*Become inspired to create something beautiful.


4 Tuesday afternoons starting April 19th: 4:00-6:00PM.

First group on April 19th is free! Will continue the following Tuesdays:

FIRST INTRODUCTORY SESSION WILL BE FREE for you to find out more and see if this is a good opportunity for you, April 19th.

Insurance coverage accepted (if coverage is available) with copay if any in full. 

Otherwise it is $50 per session, with an automatic discount to $40.00 per session when paying in full prior to each session. Sliding scale is available for financial difficulties. We don’t want to turn anyone away for lack of funds.

Contact for registration and information:

Debra Franklin at or call 888-406-0770.

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to Mar 7


7 Week Series Monday morning (EDT) series for women:

special opportunity for healing and spiritual development

This is an opportunity to for deep healing and spiritual development. We are also building a spiritual community that will eventually open to meet in person after COVID is no longer a threat.

With Heart Path Therapy®, we will include integrating powerful images from your 7 chakras along with meditation, spiritual practices, and discussion. We will create a sacred, supportive and healing space for you, your inner child, and ancestral challenges. Lets’s support each other as we transform, creating inner gratitude and love while in the comfort and safety of our homes.  

Who are you? What is your purpose? These are the deep spiritual questions to meditate on, and as you heal and transform, to develop answers for your life on earth. 

May this challenging time be an opportunity to tune into these questions and prayers for peace, healing, and protection for all.

This powerful meditation using Heart Path Therapy®, was inspired by Debra’s personal healing, her spiritual teacher Maestro Manuel Rufino, and her training in Family Constellations, Totem Pole Process, and Energy Psychology.

As many wise teachers and elders are saying, the challenge of this virus is related to us forgetting how we treat our sacred life on earth, all our relations, including mother earth and the animals. So this is also an opportunity to inspire "right relations" as we heal ourselves.

Let's raise our consciousness together, if you will join me, bringing us together for mutual support and guidance.

With love, blessings, and gratitude,

Debra Franklin  

Although each group carries a special emphasis on each chakra, we get to engage in a very supportive discussion to help each of us feel and inspire our gifts! YOUR FIRST GROUP IS FREE! Join us at any point in the series!

Date and Time:

7 Mondays 8-10AM beginning January 17th, the first one is free:

1/17/22: Root Chakra, Your Connection to Mother Earth

1/31/22: Sacral Chakra, Love, Sensuality, relationships

2/7/22: Solar Plexus: Your Power

2/14/22: Heart Chakra-Empower Real Love: Helps with all healing

2/21/22: Throat Chakra-Your True Expression

2/28/22: Third Eye Chakra-Awareness of Spirit Guidance, Intuition

3/7/22: Crown Chakra-Cosmic Consciousness

Cost: YOUR FIRST GROUP IS FREE! Then, Insurance coverage with copay where it applies. Contact me if you are paying out of pocket to work out a fee. Please note that if dissatisfied and you inform after the group the same day you can receive a full refund.

Contact: Debra Franklin, LCSW of Progressive Psychotherapy for information and registration:  

Insurance accepted including medicare and medicaid in Connecticut and New York, Copays are due if it applies.

Please contact Debra regarding any other financial considerations.

10% of the donation will go to MAISC (Commonwealth of the Solar American Indian).

RSVP to or call her at (888) 406-0770‬ also for more information and to receive the zoom link.


’This group has enabled me to meet like minded individuals and allow my healing space to grow. It's also been a great way to stay in contact with the spiritual community (especially since the pandemic). Each session I've come away with a greater understanding of both myself and my place in the universe. Thank you, Deb for all you've done!”’—Sarah Rose

“The HTP Group has been a beautiful community of like minded individuals sharing and experiencing powerful shifts in awareness about ones self and others. Debra leads the group with grace and a supportive and kindhearted nature. She gently guides her participants to explore their innermost spiritual side, while creating a community that lifts one another to a higher realm of understanding about what truly guides us. The group is a powerful experience for anyone looking grow on the inside and outside. Debra creates a safe space for all members. As the weeks progress you can feel yourself developing insight and understanding about who you truly are as a unique being and how you can control your experiences in the world through thoughtful practices and guided meditations.”

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Heart Path Therapy® Healing Workshop: Engage Your Soul’s Purpose
9:30 AM09:30

Heart Path Therapy® Healing Workshop: Engage Your Soul’s Purpose

This workshop is an opportunity  to heal and make peace with your  inner emotional “wounds.”  We will create sacred space for you, your inner child,  and the wounds of you and your family of origin toward transforming them and creating loving, peaceful relations and purposeful living. 

Heart Path Therapy® is an approach that integrates facing the  aspects of yourself, corresponding with family and ancestral relations (as in Family Constellations) that were hurt and “cut off.”  We must make peace with all our inner parts and wounded ancestral beings to awaken to our true essence and inner spiritual guidance.  

On Saturday, December 14, from 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (with a lunch break), we will engage in meditation and creative uses of Family Constellations to gain a heartfelt understanding of what went wrong so the healing compassion for ourselves and our relations develops. 

"A miracle is a shift in perception", says The Course of Miracles. Let’s gather to create and engage in a loving process that awakens your heart and finds your soul’s purpose.

Family Constellations was developed by Bert Hellinger during his observation of Zulu tribes. It is an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential. They uncover and dissolve the blockages affecting your relationships, finances, profession, and health so you are free to live the fulfilling life you were really meant to live.

Location: Golden Drum, 97 Green Street Apt G1Brooklyn, NY, 1122

Suggested donation: $150; $135 if registered by December 8th; no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Buy tickets here.

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
3:00 PM15:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

A Spiritual and Healing Empowerment Group including A Deep Healing Meditation or Family Constellations as needed.

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


The meeting will be followed by a vegetarian potluck


Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW

When: Sunday, December 8th, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Cost: $20-40 sliding scale.

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT
(park in back, go through the back door to the top floor, waiting room through glass doors)

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-844-1068.

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HEART PATH THERAPY™ For Therapists, Practitioners, and Coaches WEEKEND RETREAT
to Sep 29

HEART PATH THERAPY™ For Therapists, Practitioners, and Coaches WEEKEND RETREAT



Testimonials: “Workshops were awesome! It was a very memorable experience!”

The best therapists are those that have experienced a powerful inner healing.  There are many wonderful psychological and spiritual healing techniques, but until you heal your own wounds in order to really free your heart, mind, and intuition, those techniques will not be fully effective.

As you transform, you empower love, understanding, intuition, and compassion, the most important ingredients to healing. Integrate those with spiritual approaches, sound healing, guided imagery, and energy psychology, and you will discover and empower your true therapeutic gifts. You can learn to see and feel clients “wounds” even before they talk about them and intuitively guide them through a very beautiful life changing journey once you have traversed your own.

Debra Franklin developed The Heart Path Therapy ™ for therapists. It combines powerful healing approaches from ancient spiritual wisdom with modern uses of guided imagery, Family Constellations, inner child work, sound healing, and energy psychology.

Training and support groups are available, but this is a very special weekend including Debra’s spiritual teacher, Maestro Manuel Rufino, and the Golden Drum community that he has inspired and their gifts. This transformational weekend will take you on an inner journey to experiencing life in a new way. In turn, you can become a uniquely creative psychotherapist.

Debra experienced deeply transformational healing and spiritual development with many different gifted teachers. her most recent of at least 10 years, Maestro Manuel Rufino. He helped her own healing and development and in turn helped Debra to inspire the Heart Path Therapy for Therapists™ for Therapists.

The Heart Path Therapy™ Approach teaches the following:

  1. To identify possible roots of emotional struggles, through exploration of personal and ancestral history

  2. To describe potential benefits of prayer, intention and affirmations

  3. To define and describe energy psychology

  4. To demonstrate guided imagery

  5. To demonstrate how to guide effective inner child work

  6. To identify and explain the Chakras (energy centers) and the importance of releasing blocks

  7. To describe and practice Family Constellations Concepts by Bert Hellinger

  8. To define and explain sound healing

  9. To demonstrate practices from sacred traditions including beneficial ways to meditate

  10. This powerful weekend integrates the gifts of Maestro Manuel Rufino and the Golden Drum Community as follows along with Debra Franklin’s teaching in the Heart Path Therapy™ method.

The schedule (subject to some variations or changes) is as follows:

Date: September 27-19th, 2019


5:00-7:00 pm arriving, greeting, dinner

7:00-9:00 pm meditation (guided by Debra Franklin) and sound healing bath integrating the spiritual wisdom from sacred traditions including the elements, chakras, and ancestral connection to healing


9:00-10:30 am yoga with a certified instructor, noting applicability to therapy/mindfulness

10:45 am-2:00 pm Maestro Manuel Rufino, the Spiritual Teacher from the Taino tradition, or Chris Dean, his student, will facilitate a sweat lodge for us to clean and open our hearts to our inner wisdom

1:00-3:00 pm lunch, rest

3:00-5:00 pm Debra will facilitate with the powerful Family Constellations tool, to assist in attendees healing process

7:00-9:00 PM Sound Bath with guided meditation integrating use of energy psychology, and intentions


9:00-10:30 am acupressure for the emotions

10:30-11:00 am bunch

11:30-3:00 part II: Bringing together guided imagery, family constellation concepts, and inner childwork: experiential and sharing with questions regarding applicability

Continuing to practice with each other, learning how to feel each other's energy and begin to assess a person’s wounds, including their inner child or other family influences

3-3:30 questions/discussion/closing


Location Location of the Retreat will be in a rural area in NY State about an hour drive from Kingston. Please call for information.

For more information on the spiritual teacher and Dream Seed, go to See other training options and groups for therapists in the Heart Path Therapy® Approach at

Contact Debra Franklin, 860-995-3457 for more information or email her at

Cost: Only $325 includes entire program including exquisite vegetarian cuisine (please inform regarding food allergies and dietary restrictions) and camping. REDUCED PRICE of $275 until August 31st . This price includes all food and camping. Outdoor showers are provided for campers. A few spaces may be available in a trailer or barn for an additional $15 per night. Local hotel information can be provided if you would prefer, at your own expense.

15 CE’s pending for most Licensed Clinical Social  Workers (sorry, NY states has not approved yet) and LMFT's, and LPC's in Connecticut. LCSW’s in states outside of NY may be able to apply CE’s. Please check with your local professional agency.

Please send a check to reserve your space to Light Your Pathway, LLC, c/o Debra Franklin, 315 Brown Rd., Ellenville, NY 12428 or click the link below to purchase via PayPal.  Please send prior to end of August to receive reduced rate.

Buy tickets HERE

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9:30 AM09:30



The best therapists are those that have experienced a powerful inner healing. There are many wonderful psychological and spiritual healing techniques, but until you heal your own wounds in order to really free your heart, mind, and intuition, those techniques will not be fully effective.

As you transform, you empower love, understanding, intuition, and compassion, the most important ingredients to healing. Integrate those with spiritual approaches, sound healing, guided imagery, and energy psychology, and you will discover and empower your true therapeutic gifts. You can learn to see and feel clients “wounds” even before they talk about them and intuitively guide them through a very beautiful life changing journey once you have traversed your own.

Debra Franklin developed The Heart Path Therapy™ for therapists. It combines powerful healing approaches from ancient spiritual wisdom with modern uses of guided imagery, Family Constellations, inner child work, sound healing, and energy psychology.

Debra experienced deeply transformational healing and spiritual development with many different gifted teachers. her most recent of at least 10 years, Maestro Manuel Rufino. He helped her own healing and development and in turn helped Debra to inspire the Heart Path Therapy for Therapists™ for Therapists.

The Heart Path Therapy™ Approach teaches the following:

  1. To identify possible roots of emotional struggles, through exploration of personal and ancestral history

  2. To describe potential benefits of prayer, intention and affirmations

  3. To define and describe energy psychology

  4. To demonstrate guided imagery

  5. To demonstrate how to guide effective inner child work

  6. To identify and explain the Chakras (energy centers) and the importance of releasing blocks

  7. To describe and practice Family Constellations Concepts by Bert Hellinger

  8. To define and explain sound healing

  9. To demonstrate practices from sacred traditions including beneficial ways to meditate



Date: Monday, September 16, 2019, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm.

6 CE’s for all licensed psychotherapists, approved by NASW.

Sponsored by UConn School For Social Work Continuing Education Program.

Location: Hartford Public Library, Rm 026 (use Arch St entrance)

Cost: $110 – UConn School of Social Work Alumni and Current Field Instructors, $125 – All Others

Go to for more information and registration.

You can also contact Debra Franklin, 860-995-3457 or

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
7:00 PM19:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

A Spiritual and Healing Empowerment Group including A Deep Healing Meditation or Family Constellations as needed.

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


When: Thursday, August 8th, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Cost: suggested donation $20.00

Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT
(park in back, go through back door to top floor, waiting room through glass doors)

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-844-1069.

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HEART PATH THERAPY™ For Therapists, Practitioners, and Coaches WEEKEND RETREAT
to Jun 2

HEART PATH THERAPY™ For Therapists, Practitioners, and Coaches WEEKEND RETREAT


The best therapists are those that have experienced a powerful inner healing.  There are many wonderful psychological and spiritual healing techniques, but until you heal your own wounds in order to really free your heart, mind, and intuition, those techniques will not be fully effective.

As you transform, you empower love, understanding, intuition, and compassion, the most important ingredients to healing. Integrate those with spiritual approaches, sound healing, guided imagery, and energy psychology, and you will discover and empower your true therapeutic gifts. You can learn to see and feel clients “wounds” even before they talk about them and intuitively guide them through a very beautiful life changing journey once you have traversed your own.

Debra Franklin developed The Heart Path Therapy ™ for therapists. It combines powerful healing approaches from ancient spiritual wisdom with modern uses of guided imagery, Family Constellations, inner child work, sound healing, and energy psychology.

Training and support groups are available, but this is a very special weekend including Debra’s spiritual teacher, Maestro Manuel Rufino, and the Golden Drum community that he has inspired and their gifts. This transformational weekend will take you on an inner journey to experiencing life in a new way. In turn, you can become a uniquely creative psychotherapist.

Debra experienced deeply transformational healing and spiritual development with many different gifted teachers. her most recent of at least 10 years, Maestro Manuel Rufino. He helped her own healing and development and in turn helped Debra to inspire the Heart Path Therapy for Therapists™ for Therapists.

The Heart Path Therapy™ Approach teaches the following:

  1. To identify possible roots of emotional struggles, through exploration of personal and ancestral history

  2. To describe potential benefits of prayer, intention and affirmations

  3. To define and describe energy psychology

  4. To demonstrate guided imagery

  5. To demonstrate how to guide effective inner child work

  6. To identify and explain the Chakras (energy centers) and the importance of releasing blocks

  7. To describe and practice Family Constellations Concepts by Bert Hellinger

  8. To define and explain sound healing

  9. To demonstrate practices from sacred traditions including beneficial ways to meditate

  10. This powerful weekend integrates the gifts of Maestro Manuel Rufino and the Golden Drum Community as follows along with Debra Franklin’s teaching in the Heart Path Therapy™ method.

The schedule (subject to some variations or changes) is as follows:

Date: May 31 - June 2, 2019


5:00-7:00 pm Arriving, greeting, dinner

7:00-9:00 pm Meditation (guided by Debra Franklin) and sound healing bath integrating the spiritual wisdom from sacred traditions including the elements,  chakras, and ancestral connection to healing


9:00-10:30 am Yoga with a certified instructor, noting applicability to therapy/mindfulness

10:45 am-2:00 pm Chris Dean, trained from our Spiritual Teacher from Taino tradition, Maestro Manuel Rufino will facilitate a sweat lodge for us to clean and open our hearts to our inner wisdom

1:00-3:00 pm Lunch, rest

3:00-5:00 pm Debra will facilitate with the powerful Family Constellations tool, to assist in attendees healing process

7:00-9:00 PM Sound Bath with guided meditation integrating use of energy psychology, and intentions


9:00-10:30 am Yoga

10:30 am-12:00 pm Applying your intuition and some basic guided imagery with each other as learned thus far

12:00-1:00 pm Lunch

1:00-4:00 pm Continuing to practice with each other, learning how to feel each other's energy and begin a basic guided imagery integrating some of the concepts you learned this weekend

4:00-5:00 pm Questions/discussion/closing

5:00-6:00 pm Dinner

Location of the Retreat will be in a rural area. Please call for information.

Dates: May 31 - June 2, 2019

For more information on the spiritual teacher and Dream Seed, go to See other training options and groups for therapists in the Heart Path Therapy® Approach at

Contact Debra Franklin, 860-995-3457 for more information or email her at

Cost: $325 includes entire program including exquisite vegetarian cuisine (please inform regarding food allergies and dietary restrictions). If you pay 30 days in advance or earlier, fee is reduced to $275:  This price includes all food and camping. Outdoor showers are provided for campers. A few spaces may be available in a trailor or barn for an additional $20 per night. Local hotel information can be provided if you would prefer, at your own expense.

15 CE’s are available for most Licensed Clinical Social  Workers (Sorry, NY states has not approved yet) and LMFT's, and LPC's in Connecticut.

Please send a check to reserve your space to Light Your Pathway, LLC, c/o Debra Franklin,  309 Brown Rd., Ellenville, NY 12428 or click the link below to purchase via PayPal.  Please send prior to end of August to receive reduced rate.

Buy tickets HERE

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9:30 AM09:30



The best therapists are those that have experienced a powerful inner healing.  There are many wonderful psychological and spiritual healing techniques, but until you heal your own wounds in order to really free your heart, mind, and intuition, those techniques will not be fully effective.

As you transform, you empower love, understanding, intuition, and compassion, the most important ingredients to healing. Integrate those with spiritual approaches, sound healing, guided imagery, and energy psychology, and you will discover and empower your true therapeutic gifts. You can learn to see and feel clients “wounds” even before they talk about them and intuitively guide them through a very beautiful life changing journey once you have traversed your own.

Debra Franklin developed The Heart Path Therapy™ for therapists. It combines powerful healing approaches from ancient spiritual wisdom with modern uses of guided imagery, Family Constellations, inner child work, sound healing, and energy psychology.

Debra experienced deeply transformational healing and spiritual development with many different gifted teachers. her most recent of at least 10 years, Maestro Manuel Rufino. He helped her own healing and development and in turn helped Debra to inspire the Heart Path Therapy for Therapists™ for Therapists.

The Heart Path Therapy™ Approach teaches the following:

  1. To identify possible roots of emotional struggles, through exploration of personal and ancestral history

  2. To describe potential benefits of prayer, intention and affirmations

  3. To define and describe energy psychology

  4. To demonstrate guided imagery

  5. To demonstrate how to guide effective inner child work

  6. To identify and explain the Chakras (energy centers) and the importance of releasing blocks

  7. To describe and practice Family Constellations Concepts by Bert Hellinger

  8. To define and explain sound healing

  9. To demonstrate practices from sacred traditions including beneficial ways to meditate

  10. This powerful weekend integrates the gifts of Maestro Manuel Rufino and the Golden Drum Community as follows along with Debra Franklin’s teaching in the Heart Path Therapy™ method.


Date: Friday, May 24th, 2019, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM, 6 CE’s for all licensed psychotherapists, approved by NASW.

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Bloomfield, CT. top floor, main space and room 310. Park in back, go through back door to top floor via stairs or elevator.

Cost: $90.00

Contact Debra Franklin, 860-995-3457 for more information or email her at

See other training options and groups for therapists in the Heart Path Therapy® Approach at

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
10:00 AM10:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

Special Theme to improve your relationship with your mother, which in turn helps your relationships to yourself and others, in preparation of Mother’s Day

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW-R

Location: 96 State Rte 302, Pine Bush, NY, 12566 (next to the high school)

Date: Friday, May, 17th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Suggested Donation: $20.00, insurance also accepted

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-995-3457.

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
6:00 PM18:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

Special Theme to improve your relationship with your mother, which in turn helps your relationships to yourself and others, in preparation of Mother’s Day

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW-R

When: Thursday, May, 14th, 06:00 pm - 09:00 pm

Cost: $45.00, insurance may be accepted.

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT
(park in back, go through back door to top floor, waiting room through glass doors)

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-844-1068.

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Mother’s Day Weekend Special! Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
6:30 AM06:30

Mother’s Day Weekend Special! Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

Mother’s Day Weekend Special! Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations with Debra Franklin, LCSW-R

Please come to heal and make peace (in your heart) with the challenges you experience with your mother. This, in turn, will help your relationship to yourself and others, as any resentments or frustrations you feel with your parents will affect your self-esteem and relations.

On Saturday, May 11th, 9:30-6PM, we will engage in meditation and creative uses of Family Constellations to gain a heartfelt understanding of what went wrong so the healing compassion for that relationship deepens. It is recommended, though not required, to engage in the Friday night meditation to deepen the healing power on this day.

Family Constellations was developed by Bert Hellinger during his observation of Zulu tribes. It is an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential. They uncover and dissolve the blockages affecting your relationships, finances, profession, and health so you are free to live the fulfilling life you were really meant to live.

"A miracle is a shift in perception", says The Course of Miracles. That is exactly what begins to happen after Family Constellations. However, that is only the beginning.


Family Constellations was developed by Bert Hellinger during his observation of Zulu tribes. It is an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential. They uncover and dissolve the blockages affecting your relationships, finances, profession, and health so you are free to live the fulfilling life you were really meant to live.

You are about to embark on a soul journey. Are you ready?

"A miracle is a shift in perception", says The Course of Miracles. That is exactly what begins to happen after Family Constellations. However, that is only the beginning.


Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW

Date: Friday, May 10th 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm and Saturday, May 11th, 9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Address: Golden Drum, 97 Green St Apt G1, Brooklyn, NY 11222, 860-995-3457

Cost: suggested donation: $150.00

Tickets: buy here

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10:00 AM10:00


  • Ellenville Public Library & Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This group integrates wisdom from Sacred Traditions and Indigenous cultures, including meditation, mindfulness, art, stories and songs to inspire love, peace, and harmony. The goal is to bring family practices that raise conscious-ness to love and respect self and others as well as to inspire our gifts. Parents and children (ages 5-12) participate in this together. 


Sat, April 27, 10:00 am

Ellenville Public Library & Museum, 40 Center Street, Ellenville, NY 12428, (845)647-5530

Facilitators: Golden Drum Community members & Debra Franklin, LCSW-R

Free Event

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
10:30 AM10:30

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

Special Theme to improve your relationship with your mother, which in turn helps your relationships to yourself and others, in preparation of Mother’s Day

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW-R

Location: 96 State Rte 302, Pine Bush, NY, 12566 (next to the high school)

Date: Friday, April 26th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Suggested Donation: $20.00, insurance also accepted

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-995-3457.

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
10:00 AM10:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

Special Theme to improve your relationship with your mother, which in turn helps your relationships to yourself and others, in preparation of Mother’s Day

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW-R

Location: 96 State Rte 302, Pine Bush, NY, 12566 (next to the high school)

Date: Friday, April 26th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Suggested Donation: $20.00, insurance also accepted

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-995-3457.

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9:30 AM09:30



The best therapists are those that have experienced a powerful inner healing.  There are many wonderful psychological and spiritual healing techniques, but until you heal your own wounds in order to really free your heart, mind, and intuition, those techniques will not be fully effective.

As you transform, you empower love, understanding, intuition, and compassion, the most important ingredients to healing. Integrate those with spiritual approaches, sound healing, guided imagery, and energy psychology, and you will discover and empower your true therapeutic gifts. You can learn to see and feel clients “wounds” even before they talk about them and intuitively guide them through a very beautiful life changing journey once you have traversed your own.

Debra Franklin developed The Heart Path Therapy™ for therapists. It combines powerful healing approaches from ancient spiritual wisdom with modern uses of guided imagery, Family Constellations, inner child work, sound healing, and energy psychology.

Debra experienced deeply transformational healing and spiritual development with many different gifted teachers. her most recent of at least 10 years, Maestro Manuel Rufino. He helped her own healing and development and in turn helped Debra to inspire the Heart Path Therapy for Therapists™ for Therapists.

The Heart Path Therapy™ Approach teaches the following:

  1. To identify possible roots of emotional struggles, through exploration of personal and ancestral history

  2. To describe potential benefits of prayer, intention and affirmations

  3. To define and describe energy psychology

  4. To demonstrate guided imagery

  5. To demonstrate how to guide effective inner child work

  6. To identify and explain the Chakras (energy centers) and the importance of releasing blocks

  7. To describe and practice Family Constellations Concepts by Bert Hellinger

  8. To define and explain sound healing

  9. To demonstrate practices from sacred traditions including beneficial ways to meditate

  10. This powerful weekend integrates the gifts of Maestro Manuel Rufino and the Golden Drum Community as follows along with Debra Franklin’s teaching in the Heart Path Therapy™ method.


Date: Saturday, April 13, 2019, 9:30-4:30, 6 CE’s for all licensed psychotherapists, approved by NASW.

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Bloomfield, CT. top floor, main space and room 310. Park in back, go through back door to top floor via stairs or elevator.

Cost: $90.00

Contact Debra Franklin, 860-995-3457 for more information or email her at

See other training options and groups for therapists in the Heart Path Therapy® Approach at

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4:00 PM16:00


This group integrates wisdom from Sacred Traditions and Indigenous cultures, including meditation, mindfulness, art, stories and songs to inspire love, peace, and harmony. The goal is to bring family practices that raise conscious-ness to love and respect self and others as well as to inspire our gifts. Parents and children (ages 5-12) participate in this together. 


Who: Child (5 years old and up) Partnering with Parent/Caregiver

Friday, April 12th 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW-R

Cost: Insurance/co-pay accepted, or $15-25 per session (sliding scale, free for medicaid clients). 

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT. Park in back, go through back door to top floor. Waiting room through glass doors.

Please RSVP as space is limited. Inquire by contacting Debra Franklin, 860-844-1068 or send her an e-mail. You may also ask to be placed on her e-mail list.

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
6:00 PM18:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

Special Theme to improve your relationship with your mother, which in turn helps your relationships to yourself and others, in preparation of Mother’s Day

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW-R

When: Thursday, April 11th, 06:00 pm - 09:00 pm

Cost: $45.00, insurance may be accepted.

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT
(park in back, go through back door to top floor, waiting room through glass doors)

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-844-1068.

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
9:00 AM09:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

Join us for Intensive Healing Workshop: Family Constellations and Heart Path Therapy with Debra Franklin.

Family Constellations was developed by Bert Hellinger during his observation of Zulu tribes. It is an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential. They uncover and dissolve the blockages affecting your relationships, finances, profession, and health so you are free to live the fulfilling life you were really meant to live.

You are about to embark on a soul journey. Are you ready?

Some of the Benefits of Family Constellations:

  • Improving your relationships (parents, partner, children, colleagues, etc.)

  • Turning your past into a source of strength

  • Acquiring a healing inner image of your family

  • Freeing you and your descendants from invisible burdens

  • Transforming your blockages and self-sabotage

  • Increasing your empathy, love, and compassion for yourself and others

  • Opening your heart to love

This powerful soul work assists in creating positive shifts in:

  • Relationships

  • Success in life

  • Recurring emotions (depression, fear, anxiety, sadness, feeling unworthy
    or unrooted, blockages, stagnation etc.)

  • Achieving life goals

  • Finances

  • Unexplained symptoms

  • Health

  • Self-sabotage

  • Infertility

  • Addictions etc.

"A miracle is a shift in perception", says The Course of Miracles. That is exactly what begins to happen after Family Constellations. However, that is only the beginning.

Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW

Date: Saturday, December 1st, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm,

There are two prices for the workshop:

  1. If you want a guaranteed healing constellation for yourself (limited to 5 participants), the prices: $135 if paid by February 18th and $150 afterward.

  2. If you are available to participate in other ways (limited to 15 participants) and still receive healing benefits, the price is $85.00 if paid by February 18th or $100 afterward.

Address: Golden Drum, 97 Green St Apt G1, Brooklyn, NY 11222

Buy tickets here.

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
10:00 AM10:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

Join us for Intensive Healing Workshop: Family Constellations and Heart Path Therapy with Debra Franklin.

Family Constellations was developed by Bert Hellinger during his observation of Zulu tribes. It is an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential. They uncover and dissolve the blockages affecting your relationships, finances, profession, and health so you are free to live the fulfilling life you were really meant to live.

You are about to embark on a soul journey. Are you ready?

Some of the Benefits of Family Constellations:

  • Improving your relationships (parents, partner, children, colleagues, etc.)

  • Turning your past into a source of strength

  • Acquiring a healing inner image of your family

  • Freeing you and your descendants from invisible burdens

  • Transforming your blockages and self-sabotage

  • Increasing your empathy, love, and compassion for yourself and others

  • Opening your heart to love

This powerful soul work assists in creating positive shifts in:

  • Relationships

  • Success in life

  • Recurring emotions (depression, fear, anxiety, sadness, feeling unworthy
    or unrooted, blockages, stagnation etc.)

  • Achieving life goals

  • Finances

  • Unexplained symptoms

  • Health

  • Self-sabotage

  • Infertility

  • Addictions etc.

"A miracle is a shift in perception", says The Course of Miracles. That is exactly what begins to happen after Family Constellations. However, that is only the beginning.

Facilitator: Debra Franklin, LCSW

Date: Saturday, December 1st, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm,

There are two prices for the workshop:
- If you want a guaranteed healing constellation for yourself (limited to 5 participants), the prices: $135 if paid by November 26th and $150 afterward.
- If you are available to participate in other ways (limited to 15 participants) and still receive healing benefits, the price is $75.00 if paid by November 26th or $90 afterward.

Address: Golden Drum, 97 Green St Apt G1, Brooklyn, NY 11222

Buy tickets here.

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
10:00 AM10:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

A Spiritual and Healing Empowerment Group including A Deep Healing Meditation or Family Constellations as needed.

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


The meeting will be fallowed by vegetarian potluck treats.

When: Friday, November 15th, 10:00AM - 1:00 PM

Cost: special reduced price - $25.00

Location: 96 State Rte 302, Pine Bush, NY, 12566 (next to the high school)

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-844-1069.

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Male Survivor Group
4:00 PM16:00

Male Survivor Group

A small group for men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse integrating HPT healing approaches. Facilitated by Debra Franklin, LCSW.

When: Friday, November 9th, 4:00-5:15 PM

Cost: $20.00

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT
(park in back, go through back door to top floor, waiting room through glass doors)

For more information or to RSVP if you wish to attend contact Debra Franklin by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-844-1069.


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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
10:00 AM10:00

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

A Spiritual and Healing Empowerment Group including A Deep Healing Meditation or Family Constellations as needed.

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


The meeting will be fallowed by vegetarian potluck treats.

When: Friday, November 9th, 10:00AM - 1:00 PM

Cost: suggested donation $25.00

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT
(park in back, go through back door to top floor, waiting room through glass doors)

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-844-1069.

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Mindfulness and Meditation Workshop for Families
5:00 PM17:00

Mindfulness and Meditation Workshop for Families

For parents and caretakers and their children (6 years old and up), facilitated by Debra Franklin, LCSW.

This is an opportunity to collaboratively explore experience and connect with one another, building healthy practices to strengthen the overall wellbeing. Utilizing mindfulness and concepts from sacred traditions we will engage in meditative practices to successfully strengthen health and happy relationships.

Who: Child (6 years old and up) Partnering with Parent/Caregiver

When: Thursday, November 8th, 5:00-6:30 PM

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT
(park in back, go through back door to top floor, waiting room through glass doors)

Cost: Insurance/co-pay accepted, or $15-25 per session (sliding scale, free for medicaid clients). 

Please RSVP as space is limited. Inquire by contacting Debra Franklin, 860-844-1069 or send her an e-mail. You may also ask to be placed on her e-mail list.

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Mindfulness and Meditation Workshop for Families
5:15 PM17:15

Mindfulness and Meditation Workshop for Families

For parents and caretakers and their children (6 years old and up), facilitated by Debra Franklin, LCSW.

This is an opportunity to collaboratively explore experience and connect with one another, building healthy practices to strengthen the overall wellbeing. Utilizing mindfulness and concepts from sacred traditions we will engage in meditative practices to successfully strengthen health and happy relationships.

Who: Child (6 years old and up) Partnering with Parent/Caregiver

Cost: Insurance/co-pay accepted, or $15-25 per session (sliding scale, free for medicaid clients). 

Location: 3 Barnard Lane, Suite 310, Bloomfield, CT. 

Park in back, go through back door to top floor. Waiting room through glass doors.

When: Wednesday, October 10th, 5:15-6:45 PM

Please RSVP as space is limited. Inquire by contacting Debra Franklin, 860-844-1069 or send her an e-mail. You may also ask to be placed on her e-mail list.

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Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations
5:30 PM17:30

Heart Path Therapy® and Family Constellations

A Spiritual and Healing Empowerment Group including A Deep Healing Meditation or Family Constellations as needed

Do you want to learn how to heal yourself?
Do you want to harness your life’s purpose… your “mission on earth”?

Debra is facilitating a group to empower your heart to the wisdom that exists within you for healing, releasing emotional patterns that don’t serve you, and developing your purpose on earth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices and powerful psychological tools, you can awaken your heart to a profound love for life and purpose on earth, as well as access your intuitive guidance directly from spirit.

There will be inner child work and/or family constellations as needed, combined with powerful shamanic and energetic techniques with practices to do at home to move through old patterns and find the joy and freedom in life, as well as clarifying your purpose.

Powerful spiritual practices include honoring the four directions, sun gazing, harnessing the elements, and Buddhist chants and mantras, and native healing` music. Tools include meditation, inner childwork, family constellations (Bert Hellinger), and energy psychology and other uses of energy healing.

They will help us to harmonize, becoming one with ALL as we embrace love, beauty, and gratitude. You will learn practices and tools to continue your healing and spiritual development at home.

The following provides a good description of the family constellations including videos:


Date: Tuesday, October 9th, 5:30-8:30 PM
Cost: $45.00

Address: 3 Barnard Ln, Ste. 310, Bloomfield, CT 06002

Please RSVP if you wish to attend by sending an e-mail to or calling 860-844-1069.

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to Sep 16



The best therapists are those that have experienced a powerful inner healing.  There are many wonderful psychological and spiritual healing techniques, but until you heal your own wounds in order to really free your heart, mind, and intuition, those techniques will not be fully effective.

As you transform, you empower love, understanding, intuition, and compassion, the most important ingredients to healing. Integrate those with spiritual approaches, sound healing, guided imagery, and energy psychology, and you will discover and empower your true therapeutic gifts. You can learn to see and feel clients “wounds” even before they talk about them and intuitively guide them through a very beautiful life changing journey once you have traversed your own.

Debra Franklin developed The Heart Path Therapy ™ for therapists. It combines powerful healing approaches from ancient spiritual wisdom with modern uses of guided imagery, Family Constellations, inner child work, sound healing, and energy psychology.

Training and support groups are available, but this is a very special weekend including Debra’s spiritual teacher, Maestro Manuel Rufino, and the Golden Drum community that he has inspired and their gifts. This transformational weekend will take you on an inner journey to experiencing life in a new way. In turn, you can become a uniquely creative psychotherapist.

Debra experienced deeply transformational healing and spiritual development with many different gifted teachers. her most recent of at least 10 years, Maestro Manuel Rufino. He helped her own healing and development and in turn helped Debra to inspire the Heart Path Therapy for Therapists™ for Therapists.

The Heart Path Therapy™ Approach teaches the following:

  1. To identify possible roots of emotional struggles, through exploration of personal and ancestral history
  2. To describe potential benefits of prayer, intention and affirmations
  3. To define and describe energy psychology
  4. To demonstrate guided imagery
  5. To demonstrate how to guide effective inner child work
  6. To identify and explain the Chakras (energy centers) and the importance of releasing blocks
  7. To describe and practice Family Constellations Concepts by Bert Hellinger
  8. To define and explain sound healing
  9. To demonstrate practices from sacred traditions including beneficial ways to meditate
  10. This powerful weekend integrates the gifts of Maestro Manuel Rufino and the Golden Drum Community as follows along with Debra Franklin’s teaching in the Heart Path Therapy™ method.

The schedule (subject to some variations or changes) is as follows:

Date: September 14-16, 2018


5-7pm arriving, greeting, dinner
7-9pm meditation (guided by Debra Franklin) and sound healing Bath with Dream Seed


9-10:30am Yoga with a certified instructor, noting applicability to therapy/mindfulness

10:45am-2pm Spiritual Teacher from Taino tradition, Maestro Manuel Rufino will speak on his experiences in helping counselors, psychologists psychiatrists as well as others with Yoga, sweat lodge, and other approaches and how to apply the wisdom from Sacred Traditions in our work. He will then facilitate a Sweat Lodge for us to clean and open our hearts to our inner wisdom.

3-5 Debra will facilitate and help therapists practice feeling their energy and others, breaking down into dyads, to practice feeling their own wisdom with their hearts, and the how to listen to another person with that third intuitive ear.

7-9PM Sound Bath with Dream Seed and guided meditation


10am-3pm: Opportunity to practice inner child work, guided imagery and tools from family constellations as follows:

10am-12pm will be guided by Debra Franklin to help participants deepen their healing and insight into their own wisdom/gifts

1-4pm will involve breaking down in dyads to practice with these tools with each other

4-5pm Questions/discussion/closing

Location of the Retreat will be in a rural area. Please call for information.

For more information on the spiritual teacher and Dream Seed, go to See other training options and groups for therapists in the Heart Path Therapy™ Approach at

Contact: Debra Franklin, 860-844-1069 for more information or email her at

Cost: $325 includes the entire program including exquisite vegetarian cuisine (please inform regarding food allergies and dietary restrictions). If you pay 30 days in advance or earlier, the fee is reduced to $275: Early bird pricing has been extended to end of August. This price includes all food and camping.

16 CE ’s for LCSW, LMSW, LPC, LMFT, APRN, Licensed Psychologists, al other licensed psychotherapists not mentioned here please ask if CE's receivable.

Please send a check to reserve your space to Light Your Pathway, LLC, 309 Brown Rd., Ellenville, NY 12428. Please send prior to the end of August to receive the reduced rate.

Some spaces available for reduced pricing in exchange for volunteering, call for more information on this.

Exceptional Vegetarian food is provided. Local hotel options will be provided upon registration and there are some spaces for those who wish to camp on the property for $20 per night. Please be aware there are no formal showers on the property and porto potties are also used.

16 CE’s pending for all types of licensed psychotherapists that require it.

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