The best therapists are those that have experienced a powerful inner healing. There are many wonderful psychological and spiritual healing techniques, but until you heal your own wounds in order to really free your heart, mind, and intuition, those techniques will not be fully effective.
As you transform, you empower love, understanding, intuition, and compassion, the most important ingredients to healing. Integrate those with spiritual approaches, sound healing, guided imagery, and energy psychology, and you will discover and empower your true therapeutic gifts. You can learn to see and feel clients “wounds” even before they talk about them and intuitively guide them through a very beautiful life changing journey once you have traversed your own.
Debra Franklin developed The Heart Path Therapy ™ for therapists. It combines powerful healing approaches from ancient spiritual wisdom with modern uses of guided imagery, Family Constellations, inner child work, sound healing, and energy psychology.
Training and support groups are available, but this is a very special weekend including Debra’s spiritual teacher, Maestro Manuel Rufino, and the Golden Drum community that he has inspired and their gifts. This transformational weekend will take you on an inner journey to experiencing life in a new way. In turn, you can become a uniquely creative psychotherapist.
Debra experienced deeply transformational healing and spiritual development with many different gifted teachers. her most recent of at least 10 years, Maestro Manuel Rufino. He helped her own healing and development and in turn helped Debra to inspire the Heart Path Therapy for Therapists™ for Therapists.
The Heart Path Therapy™ Approach teaches the following:
- To identify possible roots of emotional struggles, through exploration of personal and ancestral history
- To describe potential benefits of prayer, intention and affirmations
- To define and describe energy psychology
- To demonstrate guided imagery
- To demonstrate how to guide effective inner child work
- To identify and explain the Chakras (energy centers) and the importance of releasing blocks
- To describe and practice Family Constellations Concepts by Bert Hellinger
- To define and explain sound healing
- To demonstrate practices from sacred traditions including beneficial ways to meditate
- This powerful weekend integrates the gifts of Maestro Manuel Rufino and the Golden Drum Community as follows along with Debra Franklin’s teaching in the Heart Path Therapy™ method.
The schedule (subject to some variations or changes) is as follows:
Date: September 14-16, 2018
5-7pm arriving, greeting, dinner
7-9pm meditation (guided by Debra Franklin) and sound healing Bath with Dream Seed
9-10:30am Yoga with a certified instructor, noting applicability to therapy/mindfulness
10:45am-2pm Spiritual Teacher from Taino tradition, Maestro Manuel Rufino will speak on his experiences in helping counselors, psychologists psychiatrists as well as others with Yoga, sweat lodge, and other approaches and how to apply the wisdom from Sacred Traditions in our work. He will then facilitate a Sweat Lodge for us to clean and open our hearts to our inner wisdom.
3-5 Debra will facilitate and help therapists practice feeling their energy and others, breaking down into dyads, to practice feeling their own wisdom with their hearts, and the how to listen to another person with that third intuitive ear.
7-9PM Sound Bath with Dream Seed and guided meditation
10am-3pm: Opportunity to practice inner child work, guided imagery and tools from family constellations as follows:
10am-12pm will be guided by Debra Franklin to help participants deepen their healing and insight into their own wisdom/gifts
1-4pm will involve breaking down in dyads to practice with these tools with each other
4-5pm Questions/discussion/closing
Location of the Retreat will be in a rural area. Please call for information.
For more information on the spiritual teacher and Dream Seed, go to See other training options and groups for therapists in the Heart Path Therapy™ Approach at
Contact: Debra Franklin, 860-844-1069 for more information or email her at
Cost: $325 includes the entire program including exquisite vegetarian cuisine (please inform regarding food allergies and dietary restrictions). If you pay 30 days in advance or earlier, the fee is reduced to $275: Early bird pricing has been extended to end of August. This price includes all food and camping.
16 CE ’s for LCSW, LMSW, LPC, LMFT, APRN, Licensed Psychologists, al other licensed psychotherapists not mentioned here please ask if CE's receivable.
Please send a check to reserve your space to Light Your Pathway, LLC, 309 Brown Rd., Ellenville, NY 12428. Please send prior to the end of August to receive the reduced rate.
Some spaces available for reduced pricing in exchange for volunteering, call for more information on this.
Exceptional Vegetarian food is provided. Local hotel options will be provided upon registration and there are some spaces for those who wish to camp on the property for $20 per night. Please be aware there are no formal showers on the property and porto potties are also used.
16 CE’s pending for all types of licensed psychotherapists that require it.